Giving kids the skills to manage anxiety with confidence!




  • Five individual sessions, 30 minutes in duration

  • Sessions conducted via secure video platform

  • Kids can attend sessions with or without a caregiver

  • Information about skills learned emailed to a caregiver after each session

Program outline

Consultation - Free 20 minute exploratory phone call with a caregiver. The clinician will inquire about the impact that anxiety has on the child's life and identify ways to tailor the program to best help.

Session 1 - What is Anxiety? Education about emotions, with an emphasis on anxiety. This session aims to enhance emotional awareness and vocabulary and provides strategies for managing powerful emotions.

Session 2 - Anxiety in the body. Explore the signs and symptoms of anxiety. This session identifies ways to manage the physical symptoms of anxiety through relaxation strategies.

Session 3 - Identifying anxious thoughts. Introduction to the connection between thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. This session explores ways to calm the mind.

Session 4 - Challenging anxious thoughts. Education about changing thoughts. This session explores ways to challenge and reframe unhelpful, anxious thinking to more positive, helpful thoughts.

Session 5 - Facing Fears. Create a coping plan for managing anxious thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. This session identifies the participant's strengths and explores ways to face anxious situations with confidence.

Follow-up - Free follow-up phone call with a caregiver one week after the program is finished to check in on progress.


  • $90 per 30-minute session

  • Each session billed separately, with no obligation to continue

  • Reimbursement may be available through extended health insurance

    If finances are a barrier to accessing this support, please let us know. We have options.

Questions? Connect with us for a free consultation.